Client Story: Dr. Ashly Locklin’s Personality Quiz + Email Marketing Funnel

Dr. Ashly Locklin's personality quiz saved her business when all her social media profiles were hacked!

Before I share how her personality quiz saved her course launch (and her social accounts), let me introduce you to my very first quiz creation client: Dr. Ashly Locklin!


Ours is a story of Beachbody coaching buddies—with a shared love of Peloton (hey, Cody Rigsby!) & business marketing basics. 


Ashly Locklin is best-known as a ↓

  • Mom of 4 
  • Online course creator
  • Business coach &
  • Lover of all things funfetti


(She’s even got me trying all kinds of funfetti treats!)


She started out as a teacher, & then became an instructional coach—where she taught other educators how to teach online courses.


Ashly then got started in network marketing (a Beachbody coach like yours truly!), & she was very successful very quickly. But she got to a point where she was over selling other people’s things.


So… after turning this into a 7-figure online business, she went on to earn her doctorate in educational leadership.

And this is where our story picks up… Dr. Ashly was ready to launch an online course of her own!


I didn’t know that when I offered to create a personality quiz for her online business.


A quiz had worked wonders for my business. And—

I wanted to prove my theory: that quizzes could be a wildly successful lead magnet for other program & course launches!


It was my belief that everyone knew about quizzes and how to make one. Not so.

I had only known of one person who had a quiz & that was Jenna Kutcher.

I took the quiz & I was like ok, clearly this is the thing to do but not a lot of people were doing it.”

Meet my first quiz creation client, Dr. Ashly Locklin!

To prove my concept, and help as many people as I possibly could, I needed to start with my first client.


The first quiz I wrote for Ashly helped her business in so many (expected and unexpected) ways!




She used the client questionnaire I sent her to help create the course sales page copy.


The questions I ask my clients enable me to efficiently & effectively create a quiz that naturally guides quiz takers to an offer that solves their problem. 


I find it makes the most sense to work backwards when creating personality quizzes:


→ You need to know what offer you want to drive your audience to—then figure out what to say on your results pages.


→ And that helps you come up with better quiz questions & makes titling your quiz that much easier!


So it made perfect sense to me that Dr. Ashly was able to use her answers to the questionnaire to help her write a compelling sales page that would convert website visitors into buyers.

Dr. Ashly Locklin, course creator & business coach, was my very first quiz creation client! Her quiz helped her business in so many ways!

Her personality quiz also helped her grow her email list and have a very successful first course launch!

“She took my ideas and helped me create the perfect quiz to attract my ideal students.

With her expertise, I was able to generate $20k in course sales in my first month and reach my dream clients!

Email list growth is usually a top priority for anyone interested in creating a personality quiz.


I’m a firm believer that quizzes are the most effective lead magnets out there!


Personality quizzes help you:

  • ​​Attract your ideal clients (+ grow your email list) 
  • Sell out your offers
  • Better serve your clients

I had been running an online business for years without ever having a nurture series.

Linda advised me that creating a welcome series would nurture new leads and turn them into loyal long-term customers. She was right. With her blueprint, I created a welcome series and saw my sales increase.”

Dr. Ashly had spent years building her email list—but she never created a welcome series.


…until we worked together.


She brought in tens of thousands of new (hot) leads after launching her influencer personality quiz!


Your quiz is just one vital component of your business growth & marketing plan.


Once those leads find you & connect with you, it’s important to continue building that relationship. This is something a nurture sequence does for you.


And Ashly’s welcome series ended up being crucial because…

↓ ↓ ↓

In the middle of her course launch—and just a couple months after launching her quiz—Ashly’s social media accounts were hacked & taken down!





For over a month. While she was getting ready to launch her first course.


Worse yet… this happened when she was in Disney World. 

On vacation with her family. 

Just as she was sitting down to dinner at Cinderella’s castle.

Dr. Ashly Locklin at Cinderella's Castle in Disney World, dancing with her daughter, moments before her social media accounts were hacked.

“Linda created the quiz, I started promoting it, & it did phenomenally! And then all my social media accounts got hacked. I thought, ‘Well, this is really interfering with my plan… But, I’m just going to launch anyway.’”

Dr. Ashly could have taken this as a sign to call off her launch… But she decided to push through & focus her launch efforts on her email list.


(All thanks to the hot leads coming in from her quiz. *wink*)


She started to email every day rather than just once a week—truly nurturing those quality leads.

About that growing list of email subscribers… 


Ashly had been running ads to her quiz. And thank goodness! 


That provided the leverage her attorney needed to get Facebook to take action. The action being: they reinstated her social media accounts.

“I hired a lawyer… and the only thing that saved me was that I had ads running. Had I not been running Facebook ads to my quiz, I never would have gotten my account back.”

Any quiz I create includes a successful launch plan. That plan sometimes involves running ads to your quiz (I’m a big fan of organic marketing: podcast interviews, guest teaching opportunities, etc.).

But seeing what Ashly went through—it’s clear to me how valuable ads can be.


With her social media accounts out of the picture, I suggested Ashly take screenshots of her quiz results so we could look at the data.


Linda suggested that I needed to become more strategic in my marketing.

I segmented my list, dove into the personality profiles, & was able to do the same thing with the second quiz she created for me.”

We discovered she was attracting leads with the same personality profile! 


(Unlike Helena Bowen {link}—my speechwriter quiz client who discovered her audience was the complete opposite personality type.)


This realization was a game-changer for Ashly’s launch!


You can optimize your email list by segmenting. For example, segment by personality type.


That’s just what Ashly did! 


This allowed her to continue creating forward-facing content, market to fast-action takers, and stop chasing people down in the DMs. 


She did this by:

→ getting to the bottom-line (Her audience doesn’t need nurturing—they want to know details so they can make quick decisions.)

→ capitalizing on FOMO (Yes, some people buy because they don’t want to miss out.)

→ answering their questions (Fast-action takers love the FAQ section.)

Dr. Ashly Locklin at Cinderella's Castle in Disney World, dancing with her daughter, moments before her social media accounts were hacked.

After such a successful first quiz & course launch, it’s no surprise that Dr. Ashly asked for a second quiz—to drive people to her second course!


This time, she had all the pieces in place: 

  • nurture sequence 
  • pre-launch plan
  • launch strategy


Her course was ready to go & she was anxious to get this powerful lead magnet—her course creator quiz—finished in time for the launch! 


For a second time, Ashly was super clear on who she wanted to attract & what she was offering them.


At the time of her launch, she was 36 weeks pregnant with her third child—and she’d come down hard with Covid.


And still… The launch went on!


(I still remember seeing Ashly posting to her stories, laid up in bed with her messy bun & bathrobe. I can’t tell you how much I admire this woman!)

“My course teaches people how to create a course & launch it. And included are done-for-you materials, which I had used for my own launch.

So it was a silver lining of being like, ‘Listen… if I can show up & launch this course in the midst of Covid & being very pregnant—so can you.’

Not only did that launch help her prove her concept, it brought in around $50,000!

Dr. Ashly has launched all kinds of lead magnets—PDF guides, webinars, free challenges, etc.—but she says “the quizzes are the most popular & effective—for sure!”


→ She also gets the most ROI from talking to her email list.

Create a fun lead magnet by working with personality quiz creator, Linda Sidhu!

“I post on social media every day, but my money-maker is definitely email.

I will be forever grateful to Ashly for agreeing to be my very first quiz creation client.


But this hasn’t been a one way street…

“Linda helped me nail down my brand & clarify my messaging.”

And that one time her husband asked her if she could “just write her own quiz,” this is what she had to say ↓

“I wouldn’t even know where to start to create a quiz! I don’t know what questions to ask; I have no idea what kind of answers you’d give people. I have literally no idea! 


Without Linda? No. That’s a hard no.”